Stanley modern Defiance numbering system
- Awl=1201
- Awl=1202
- Bevel=1225
- Bit brace 10 in.=1250
- Bit brace 10 in.=1253
- Bit extension 18 in.=1263
- Bits � in. to 3/8 in.=1226
- chisel �,1/2,3/4,1,1 1/2 in.=1251
- chisel 3/8,1/2,3/4,1,1 �,1 � in.=1252
- Cold chisel 3/8,1/2,3/4 in.=74
- Drill=1214=1217=1220
- Drill point set=600
- Hammer 16 oz.=101 � =111 �=121 �=211 �
- Hammer 7 oz.=213
- Hammer ball pein 16 oz.=0310
- Hatchet=122
- Ice pick=1274
- knives=1299
- Blades=1991
- Level 24 in.=1297
- Line level=1287
- Torpedo level=1293
- Level 18 and 24 in.=1294
- Level 28 in.=1295
- Nail set � to 3/32 in.=1211
- Plane=1203
- Plane=1204
- Plane=1205
- Block plane=1247
- Block plane=1248
- Block plane=1220
- Plane=1243
- Center punch �-1/8 in.=1210
- Center punch 3/8 in.=8B
- Zig Zag rule 6ft.=1260
- Pull Push rule 6ft.=1262
- Pull push rule 6ft.=1206W
- Pull push rule 8ft.=1208W
- Pull Push rule 10ft.=1210W
- Saw set=432
- Screw Driver 3,4,6,8 in.=1270
- Screw Driver 4 and 6 in.=3006
- Screw driver 3 and 6 in.=3008
- Screw driver 2 in.=3010
- Screw driver=3012
- Screw driver 3 and 6 in.=1277