Knuckle Joint Lever
Patented steel lever or cap snaps into position and locks cutter when replaced.
Its distinctive shape fits your hand comfortably. Cutter adjustable sidewise and endwise by lever and screw. Throat adjustable for coarse or fine work. WIdth cutter 1 5/8-inch. Nickel plated trimmings.
TB K18-Length 6 1/4 inches.
TB K 9 1/2 |

The cutter rests on its seat at an angle of 20 degrees-adjustable sidewise and endwise by lever and screw. Throat adjustable for coarse or fine work.
Width Cutter 1 5/8-inch. Japanned trimmings.
TB K9 1/2-Length 6 1/4 inches
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TB K15-Length 7 inches
Low Angle
Cutter rests on seat at angle of 12 degrees-the low angle makes it easy to plane across hardwood. Cutter adjustable sidewise and endwise by lever and screw Throat adjustable for coarse or fine work. WIdth cutter 1 3/8-inch. Nickel plated trimmings.
TB K60-Length 6 inches.
With Lever Adjustment
Cutter adjustable endwise by lever. Walnut finish hardwood knob. Width cutter 1 5/8-inch. Japanned trimmings.
TB K120-Length 7 inches.
With Screw Adjustment
Cutter adjustable endwise by screw. Walnut finish hardwood knob. Width cutter 1 5/8-inch. Japanned trimmings.
TB K220-Length 7 inches.
With Lever Adjustment
Cutter adjustable endwise by lever. Width cutter 1 1/4-inch. Japanned sides and trimmings.
TB K103-Length 5 1/2 inches.
Non-Adjustable Iron
Same super quality oil tempered cutters, machined and trued sides and bottoms and durable cast iron frames as offered in the adjustable planes above. Excellent econmy price tools for general use. Walnut finish hardwood knob. Black japanned trimmings. Width cutter 1 5/8-inch.
TB K110-Length 7 inches.
Japanned sides and trimmings. Width cutter 1 1/4-inch.
TB K102-Length 5 1/2 inches.