Starrett Dividers & Calipers
Fay patent Spring Divider
with Spring Nut
Quick adjusting automatic closing spring nut.
Lengths available were 2 1/2", 3", 4", 5", 6", 8"
sold with spring nut or solid nut
Fay Patent Outside & Inside Calipers
with spring nut
Inside No. 74
Lengths 2 1/2", 3", 4", 5", 6" and 8"
Sold with Solid or Spring nut
Outside No. 75
Lengths 2 1/2", 3", 4", 5", 6" and 8"
Sold with Solid or Spring nut
Fay Patent Thread & Inside Calipers
No. 76 Thread
Lengths 3", 4", 5"
Sold with solid or spring nut
No. 78 Inside
Lengths 4 and 5 inch
not made to receive spring nut
Yankee Outside & Inside Calipers
No. 73 Inside
Yankee inside transfer caliper with either spring or solid nut. After calipering inside of chambered cavity by springing in the legs they may be withdrawn, and as they spring back will show the exact size calipered.
Lengths 2 1/2", 3", 4", 5", 6", 8"
No. 79 Outside
Lengths 2 1/2", 3", 4", 5", 6", 8"
with solid or spring nut
Yankee Spring Dividers
No. 83
Solid or Spring nut
Lengths 2 1/2", 3", 4", 5", 6", 8"
No. 84
Solid or Spring nut
Lengths 2 1/2", 3", 4", 5", 6", 8"
Yankee Inside & Keyhole Calipers
No. 81 Inside
Solid Nut
Lengths 4", 5" and 6"
No. 82 Keyhole
Solid Nut or spring nut
Lengths 3" and 4"
Yankee Thread Calipers
No. 80
With spring nut or solid nut
Lengths 3", 4" and 5"
Inside Thread Calipers
No. 184 Inside Thread Caliper
Designed for measuring the diameter at bottom of threads.
With solid nut or spring nut.
Lengths 4", 5" and 6"
No. 179 Outside Thread Caliper
Designed for measuring the diameter at bottom of threads on the outside of screws.
Solid or Spring nut
Lengths 4",5" and 6"
Firm Joint Calipers
The construction of the joint which is so made as to be drawn together by means of a screw. The main stud is squared and fitted to one leg, thus preventing the stud from turning when loosening and tightening and inusring a smooth and uniform friction of more or less tension to suit the user.
No. 26 Firm Joint Caliper
The sizes refer to the length of the calipers. Their capacity is about one third greater than the size given; for example, the 30 inch size will caliper 38 inch, and the 36 inch size will caliper 46 inch diameter.
Lenghts 3", 4", 5", 6", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20", 24", 30" and 36".
No. 27 Inside firm joint caliper
sizes are same as above outside caliper
Firm Joint Screw Adjusting Calipers
The screw adjustment for fine measurements the joint which may be set to any desired degree of uniform tension, the shape and stiffenss of the legs quickness and wide scope of adjustment.
No. 34 Outside Firm Joint screw adjusting caliper
Lengths 4", 6", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20", 24", 30" and 36".
No. 35 Inside Firm joint screw adjsuting caliper
Lengths 4", 6", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20", 24", 30" and 36".
Double Caliper
These calipers combine dividers, inside and outside calipers. Have friction joints.
No. 44 Double caliper
Lengths 6" and 8"
Firm Joint Hermaphrodite Calipers
These calipers have adjustable point, as well as the improved firm joint.
No. 41 Firm Joint Hermaphrodite Caliper
Lengths 4", 6", 8" and 10"
No. 241 Firm Joint Hermaphrodite Caliper
Same as above except the left hand point is solid instead of adjustable.
Lock Joint Transfer Calipers
May be used inside of chambered cavities, over flanges, etc. removed and replaced without losing the size calipered. This is done by loosening the nut binding one arm to the auxiliary leaf and swinging it out or in while the joint is locked to clear the obstruction, then moving it back against a stop, where it will show the exact size measured. The sizes given refer to the length of the calipers, but the outside ones will caliper a cylinder 20 percent larger than their length and the inside calipers will open nearly twice their length.
No. 36 Outside Lock Joint Transfer Caliper
Lengths 4", 5", 6", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20" and 24".
No. 36 Inside Lock Joint Transfer Caliper
Lengths 4", 5", 6", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20" and 24".
Lock Joint Calipers
Can be instantly adjusted to their full extent, and as quickly locked firm in the joint, and yet provided with a sensitive adjustment. The socket joint made tapering and locked or released by a partial turn of the knurled disc drawing it together. A spring washer under the disc maintains an easy friction in the joint when unlocked. To further describe in the under side of short arm is a slot containing a stiff spring. Rivedted into the middle leg and projecting through an opening in the arm, is a threaded stud on which is a knurled nut having a beveled hub this bears against a cone in the arm, the action of teh spring holding them together turns the nut presses them apart and adjusts the leg when the joint is locked. The spring taking up all backlash the legs are firm.
No. 38 Outside Lock Joint Caliper
Lengths 4", 5", 6", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20" and 24".
No. 39 Inside Lock Joint Caliper
Lengths 4", 5", 6", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20" and 24".
Hermaphrodite Calipers
No. 42 |
No. 42 Hermaphrodite Caliper
Adjustable point and lock joint with sensitive adjustment.
Lengths 4", 6", 8" and 10".
No. 242 Hermaphrodite Caliper
Same as no. 42 except the left hand point is solid instead of adjustable.
Lengths 4", 6", 8" and 10".
Lock joint attachement and sensitive adjustment. It is light and stiff, with large capacity, instantly opened, closed and locked. Points are tempered.
No. 43 Divider
Lengths 6", 8" and 10".
Universal Dividers
The adjustable scriber holder is reversible and carries either a fine tempered steel point or a pencil lead, held in a split socket by a knurled nut. With the holder turned outward it is possible to work close to shoulders, something that cannot be done by a similar tool of any other make; turned inward, ponts may be brought close together to scribe the smallest circle. WIth 4 in. beam, 7 1/2 in. and under may be scribed. An auxiliary beam 13 in. long is furnished with which a 25 in. circle may be drawn. The V center point may be substituted for the regular point, adapting the tool for scribing around a drilled hole. Also has a pen attachment.
No. 89 |
Extra parts for No. 89 Divider
B. Needle points
C. Pen Attachement
D. Extra Straight point and socket
Patent Dividers
Both points are crucible forged steel, nicely tempered. The quadrant passes through the leg, which is split. The clamp screw springs the slit parts and frictionally locks the quadrant firm. The screw threads have stock enough to last a lifetime. After fine adjustments are made, the patent lock nut between the arms locks the spring in the leg firm, curing thedefect in the old style dividers of the points dodging out and in with the grain of the wood. The adjustable point may be instantly removed and a common pencil inserted in its place.
No. 92 Patent Divider
Made in Plain or nickled
Lengths 6", 7", 8" and 9"
Improved Extension Divider
With auxilliary caliper legs which together with a common pencil for m convenient combinations. Patent locking nut between the arms against which a spiral spring acts. After the fine adjustment is made the nut may be turned back, locking spring and arms firmly thus remedying the weak point which renders the common wing divider only as stiff as the adjusting spring. A full threaded nut on the stud, through which the quadrant passes, is a more durable fastener than two or three threads tapped in the arm to hold the wing of the old style. The head and arms ot this tool are made from malleable iron the rest steel. The points are hardened and warranted first class. The smalles size is 7 inches long; by adjustment of points it becomes 9 inches, and will scribe a 22 inch circle; will caliper 11 inches outside and 13 inches inside. The second size is 9 inches; by adjsutment of points it becomes 22 inches, and will scribe a 30 inch circle and caliper 14 inches outside and 16 inches inside.
No. 85 Improved Extension Divider
Lengths 7" and 9".
No. 90 |
No. 90 Improved Bronze Divider
Nickel plated The head and socket legs of this tool are made from drawn not cast bronze metal and are hard, tough, strong and finely finished and nickel plated. The joint is large and firm. Patent locking nut between the arms against which a spiral spring acts is a valuable feature. After the fine adjustment is made the nut may be turned back, locking spring and arms firmly, thus remedying the weak point in the common wing divider, whcih is only as stiff as the adjusting spring. The quardrant is fastened by improved method. A common pencil fits either socketed leg while an auxiliary holder fits reversed end of either short point for an extension. The head, with short point, is eight inches long may be extended two inches or more; will caliper 10 inches outside and 12 1/2 inside. WIth short points it will scribe a 24 inch and with long points a 34 inch circle.