Okay Tool Lovers this is the catalog for you nothing but tools and some knives. This catalog
has a stamp of 1912 and is entitled "Keen Kutter Simmons' Manual Training Blue Book no. 776". It is loaded with
nothing but Keen Kutter items. I divided it into three sections for a little easier downloading. Have fun!
click here to download file Keen Kutter 776 part one 18.9mb
click here to download file Keen Kutter 776 part two 18.6mb
click here to download file Keen Kutter 776 part three 18.8mb
are some sections of a 1939 Keen Kutter catalog below:

This section is a tool lovers dream catalog pages 825-950 contains: A jobbers first duty letter, Keen Kutter Axes, single bit Michigan pattern, Dayton pattern, Southern
Kentucky Baltimore and Wisconsin pattern, Special composite and Hoosier pattern single bit axes, Simmons single bit axe, Simmons
Leader axes, Double bit axes, Kelly Perfect axe, boys axes, klicker axes, Broad axes, house axes, simmons adzes, scout axes,
box hammers or crate openers, nail pullers, tack claws, wrecking bars, crow bars, staple pullers, Half lathing broad
bench flooring rig builders oil Derrick produce claw hatchets by Keen Kutter Simmons and Klicker, Keen Kutter simmons klicker
nail hammers, Ball pein machinists' riveting blacksmith saw setting upholster farrier brick hammers, wood mallets and
rawhide hammers, striking sledges stone mason stone sledges hammers, wood cohoppers wedges, mattocks, grub hoes, hazel hoes,
railroad coal picks, Auger bits, expansive bits, countersink gimlet screwdriver bits, bit braces, corner braces, brace parts,
breast drills, hand drills, drill points yankee drills, screwdrivers, spiral screwdrivers, yankee tools, chisels and gouges,
Keen Kutter Simmons and Stanley planes, drawing knives, cabinet scrapers, sewing awls rubbing bricks, plastering trowels,
brick trowels, cement tools, plumbs and levels, marking gauges, t bevels combination squares and butt gauges, steel squares,
keen kutter boxwood rules, tape lines, pliers, blacksmith tools, punches, cold chisels, complete list of Keen Kutter branded
merchandise, saws by keen kutter and Disston, simmons crosscut saws, saw tools, peavies cant hooks pike poles timber grapples
lumbering tools, glass cutters
click here to download Keen Kutter 1939 catalog pages 825 to 950 pdf. file 15.2mb
This section contains pages 955-1078: Flint paper, garnet paper, emdery cloth and steel wool, Sharpening stones, grinding
wheels, tool grinders, electric tool sharpeners and power grinders, mounted grindstones, grindstone fixtures, General description
of files and rasps, file handles and cleaners, agricutltural wrenchs, angle wrenches, crescent wrences, double ended wrench,
wrench parts, engineers double end box end and socet wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe wrenches by keen kutter stillson pattern,
stocks and dies, pipe threading tools, screw plates, hand taps, adjustable tap and reamer wrenches, drill bits, bit stock
drills and chucks, reamers, anvils, post drills and forges, cold hot chisels, hardies, blacksmith tongs, bolt clippers, vises,
bench screws, carriage carpenters C and quilt frame steel bar clamps, soldering coppers, tinners steel rules snips and shears,
electric soldering irons, blow torches, fire pots, welding supplies, electric drills sanders and glue pots, electric
shears and saws, starrett tools, dividers, calipers speed indicators, lathe tools, bostrom levels, axe hammer adze hatchet
and chiel handles, Keen kutter apron and tool bags, work benches and tool box chests, List of Simmons tool deals, Simmons
leader tools, list of keen kutter branded tools
click here to download Keen Kutter 1939 catalog pages 955 to 1078 pdf. file 14.6mb
This section contains: Keen kutter garden tools and steel goods, pitch hay header grain spading manure vegetable
cotton seed stone and coal forks, stone potato manure hooks, garden cultivators, hoes, mattocks, rakes, garden sets,
weenders, trowels, shovels, spades, scoops, scrapers and pushers, post hole augers and diggers, agricultural tool handles,
garden plows, corn planters and sowers, bush and corn hooks, cane knives, hookup corn beet topping and hedge knives, ditch
bank blades, hedge and grass shears, pruners, lawn weeders and edgers, sling blades weed cutters, grass hook scythe,
sharpening stones, Keen Kutter Lawn mowers, stearns power mowers, lawn rollers and grass seed, insecticides, sprayers, pumps,
wheel barrows, rubber hose, lawn sprinklers, hose nozzles and reels, fire extinguishers, lanterns, miners tools, repair parts
for mowers, plow shares and landsides, belting leather and cotton duck, belt lacers hooks and cutters, asbestos sheet packing
click here to download Keen Kutter 1939 catalog pages 1101 to 1260 pdf. file 18.3mb
This section contains: Hay carriers slings track and forks, hay fork pulleys, hay knives hooks and scales, rope, snatch
and tackle blocks, tackle block sheaves and gin blocks, cranes and electric hoists, chain gear roller bearing hoists,
standard truck dolleys, corn shellers and mills, corn husking equipment, work gloves, oilers, shoe stands and leather sole
strips, dazey hand and electric churns, cream separators, dairy pails, milk cans and milk equipment, cow pokes stanchions
and hobbles, dehorners, weaners, stock tanks, brooders and feeders, cow fire sheep turkey farm church and school bells,
well water systems, pumps, hog ringers and equipment, selectric shearing and clipping machines, sheep shears and shepherds
crooks, horse shoe nails and shoes, single and double trees, neck yokes, clevises, Keen kutter wagon umbrella, ball bearing
jack screws, track jacks, industrial jacks, breast chains, chain assortment, correct name of harness parts fully illustrated,
Team harness, bridles halters and hip straps, back bands and hooks. straps, leather traces, horse collars, sweat pads,
saddles, spurs, hames, harness snaps, lassos or riatas, curry combs and brushes, automobile and truck tires, automobile
jacks, tire pumps and repair items. motor oil. lamp accessories for automobiles, spark plugs, batteries, grease guns
click here to download Keen Kutter 1939 catalog pages 1261 to 1494 pdf. file 29.2mb
This section contains: lanterns and lamps, lamp burners, glass lamps, Keen Kutter knives, Simmons pocket knives, Imperial
and press button knives, Maize knives, Lumbermans rase knife, boy scout knives, Keen Kutter scissors and shears, Hair
clippers, electric shavers, razor blades, straight razors, shaving brushes, razor strops, nail clippers and combs , creams
lotions and powder, toiletries, Keen Kutter hunting and butcher knives, paring knives, cleavers hog scrapers and meat
hooks, farriers knives, steels and sharpening equipment. putty knives, pultry killing knives, cotton sampling knives, sloyd
budding shoe linemans electricians linoleum roofing banana broom knives, steak carving knives, table cutlery, silverware,
tableware, soda syphons, nut crackers
click here to download 1939 Keen Kutter Knife section pdf file 17.8mb