OVB Ivory Black Axe Single Bit Michigan Pattern |
OVB Ivory Black Axe Single Bit Dayton Pattern |
OVB Blue Beveled Single Bit Michigan Pattern |

Single Bit Dayton and Double Bit Michigan Pattern |
Hibbard Bronzed Axes Single Bit Michigan Pattern |

Hibbard Single Bit Dayton Pattern |
Valley Forge Axe Single Bit Michigan Pattern |

Michigan Pattern Double Bit Axe |
OVB Broad Axe Canada, Pennsylvania Pattern |

OVB Carpenter, Ship, Railroad Adzes |
OVB Polished Hatchets Shingling, Lathe, Claw |

Half and Broad |
Cruso Black Hatchets Shingling, Lathe, Claw |
Half and Broad |
Axe Handles |

OVB Double Bit Western and Winsconsin Pattern |

OVB Ivory Black Double Bit Californina Reversible Pattern |
Hibbard Single Bit Michigan Pattern |

Hibbard Single Bit Dayton Pattern Double Bit Michigan |
Hibbard Bronzed Axe Double Bit Michigan Pattern |

Western Pattern |
OVB and Cruso Hand Axe |
Boy Scout Axe |
OVB Bronzed Hatchets Car Builders' |

Octagon Derrick, Barrel or Produce |
Hibbard Charcoal Black Hatchet Shingling, Lathe |

Claw, Derrick, Half, Broad |
Axe Handles |

OVB Ivory Black Axes Single Bit Wisconsin Pattern |

OVB Ivory Black Double Bit Michigan Pattern Axe |
U.S.A. Single Bit Michigan Pattern Axe |
U.S.A. Double Bit Michigan Pattern Axe |
Hibbard Bronzed Axe Single Bit Wisonsin Pattern |

Southern Kentucky, Baltimore Jersey |
OVB Firemen Axe, Cruso, Hibbard style Axes |

Bronzed Hatchets Shingling, Claw, Lathe, Broad |
Half and Flooring |
OVB Polished Hatchets Shingling, Half, Lathe |
California, Underhill |
Calumet Hatchet Shingling, Half, Claw |

Bur-Nor Hatchets Shingling, Half, Claw |